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Ao Māori: Ngāi Tahu

A guide to resources relating to the world of Māori including Treaty of Waitangi

Ngāi Tahu

Ngāi Tahu – the iwi

Ngāi Tahu are a resilient, entrepreneurial people who made our home in Te Waipounamu (South Island) over 800 years ago. Our ancestors were the first long distance seafarers, riding the ocean currents and navigating by stars on voyaging waka (canoes) from Hawaiki Nui. They populated the islands of the South Pacific eventually making their way to Aotearoa and Te Waipounamu.
[Excerpt retrieved from]
Ara Institute has an enduring partnership with Ngāi Tahu which holds the rangatiratanga (tribal authority) to over 80% of the South Island (Te Waipounamu).  Ara is part of the Māori Futures Collective (Tokona Te Raki) which is a collaboration between Te Runanga o Ngāi Tahu and its partners to increase Māori participation, success and progression in education and employment.
(Ara Institute of Canterbury, 2019, Investment plan 2019 - 2021. p. 12-13).

Ngā pukupuka - books and ebooks

Ngā ataata - Videos

This hīkoi or walk around Ōtautahi Christchurch shares deeper understanding fo local iwi Ngāi Tahu and the  sub-tribe of  Ngāi Tūāhuriri.

He Kōrero animated videos
From the Ngāi Tahu Archive team capturing the stories of Ngāi Tahu tīpuna and produced in English and Māori. The full series can also be watched at the Naia website.
In English
I te reo Māori
In English
I te reo Māori

Pae tukutuku - Websites