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Ao Māori: Mātauranga Māori

A guide to resources relating to the world of Māori including Treaty of Waitangi

Mātauranga Māori

Find on this page, resources supporting rangahau or Māori research as well as sources for wider Pacific research incorporating traditional ways of knowing. 

"Mātauranga Māori is about a Māori way of being and engaging in the world – in its simplest form, it uses kawa (cultural practices) and tikanga (cultural principles) to critique, examine, analyse and understand the world...

Mātauranga Māori in our mahi is not just creating a space for Māori ways of being and knowing, but valuing the richness that these whakaaro (ideas) bring to our kaupapa (agenda). It is understanding that there is no ‘one’ way to ‘know’ something. It is also understanding that the strength in our mahi (work) comes from multiple world views and the acknowledgement that Mātauranga Māori can deepen and enhance other theories (e.g. critical theories)"

(Kia Eke Panuku (n.d.) Mātauranga Māori.)

Pae tukutuku - Websites for finding Māori information

Waiata / mōteatea (Songs and chants)

Tikanga tuku iho - Māori concepts

Māori and intellectual property

Kawa o te marae

Moheni - Journals for Māori and Pacific research

Rangahau - Māori and Pacific research

Articles, essays and guidelines


Whakataukī / whakatauakī / Māori proverbs

Below are links to resources on whakataukī (proverbs of unknown source) and whakatauakī (proverbs if known source).(Elder, H. (2020) Aroha).

Pūrākau - Myth and Legend

Ako - Teaching and Learning and Mātauranga Māori