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Ao Māori: Matariki

A guide to resources relating to the world of Māori including Treaty of Waitangi

Matariki - Māori New Year


Mānawa maiea te putanga o Matariki --- Welcome the rising of Matariki

Mānawa maiea te ariki o te rangi --- Welcome the rising of the lord of the sky

Mānawa maiea te mātahi o te tau --- Welcome the New Year

Matariki or the Māori New Year is a time for each of us to reflect on our place in the world.  On Friday 28th 2024, Aotearoa / New Zealand celebrates the third Matariki official public holiday since its inception in 2022. The Matariki public holiday is based on the winter rising of the Matariki cluster in the early morning sky during the Tangaroa period of the lunar month of Pipiri.  Download the free Stellarium Mobile app to your phone to locate Matariki (Pleiades) in relation to Taumata-kuku (Aldebaran), Puanga (Rigel) and Tautoru (Orion's belt), sing the Matariki macarena to help to remember the names of the nine whetū and watch these short Ara | Te Pūkenga video clips on each whetū Matariki. Find more activities to do in our latest Library blog on Celebrating Matariki 2024.

Ngā pukapuka - Books

Pukapuka Whakaahua - Picture Books

Mahinga kai and Matariki

Mahinga kai is significant to the time of Matariki. These library blogposts share about Ngāi Tahu's food gathering activities during the time of Matariki.

Pae tukutuku - Websites

More videos

Matariki waiata

Matariki activities

Matariki star bunting [Video - 3 mins]