This tab is designed to give you some ideas and suggestions to help you construct a good research question.
1) Think about a topic that you are interested in.
2) Brainstorm. What do you already know? Refer to lecture notes and readings. Look for articles on your topic using Ara databases and Google Scholar. Your subject guides will tell you what the most relevant databases are. Formulate some possible questions.
3) Are you really motivated to find the answer to your question? Pick a topic you are interested in as you may spend a lot of time with this subject! It may be helpful to use mindmapping techniques.
4) Is your question focused but not too narrow?
5) Is your question clear and unambiguous? – This single question provides direction. You will need to to keep asking yourself throughout your research “Is my work going to help answer my research question?
6) Is your question realistic to answer in your time frame?
7) Does your question address one key issue only?
8) Is your question answerable?
Feel free to discuss your proposed question with your tutor. They are the experts at doing this!