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Cafe Bar Service: APA Referencing

A selection of excellent Restaurant, Wine and Bar Service resources to help you with your studies.

Remember...if it is not yours you MUST reference it!

There is a huge range of resources and resource formats that you will use while studying here at Ara. All works (books, eBooks, websites, images, diagrams, journal articles..) must be properly referenced to meet academic and copyright requirements. What you read and understand must also be turned into your own words i.e. paraphrased to avoid plagiarism. The vital tools you need to help you do this correctly are right here:

If you do get stuck you can visit Learning Servicesask a library staff member, attend an APA Workshop or Quick Questions or use the Ask Live chat box during Library opening hours.

An introduction to APA Referencing

Watch this 15 minute video by Learning Services to understand what APA referencing is all about.

Help understanding a journal citation

Endnote - recording your sources

EndNote is a versatile reference management software that allows you to:                                                                       

  • Store, manage, organize & search references in a personal library
  • Create bibliographies
  • Import references from Ara databases
  • Create in-text citations and reference lists in word documents
  • Share and sync references

EndNote Is free for Ara students and staff​. We have a dedicated Endnote subject guide on how to use Endnote and how to download it.

Referencing tips of the day!

TIp one: Computer generated references from databases such as Academic Onefile and MasterFile Premier may not actually meet our APA guidelines so always check! 

Tip two: You may have found something you want to use off Google or Bing but you must keep researching to find the original owner of the object whether it be a photo, drawing, sound bite, or other media. You cannot cite Google or Bing because those are search engines, not websites!

Image: Ara Institute of Canterbury

Test Your APA Skills

Referencing in PowerPoints

Creative Commons and Public Domain

What is Creative Commons?

A Creative Commons license allows you to use some copyrighted works under certain conditions. It is designated by two lower-case “c”s within a circle.  Some licenses include: attribution (must give credit), non-commercial (can’t use to make money), and no derivative works (can’t edit work).

What is Public Domain?

A public domain work may be used freely by everyone because it is not protected by copyright. Copyrighted works may become public domain when the work’s term has expired or if the author fails to perform certain formalities. Furthermore, works of the NZ Government are public domain.

Do I have to reference these? Yes! Although using some of the above material means you do not have to worry about copyright it is still good academic practice to give credit to the creators of the work and reference the source.

Formatting Your Reference List

Purdue University (2020) Formatting an APA style reference list. [Video]. You Tube.


Plagiarism is basically presenting someone else's work as your own which is considered academic misconduct here at Ara. To further understand what plagiarism is and how to avoid it cast your eye over the website and YouTube video below.

What is copyright?


Copyright in New Zealand