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Osteopathy/Musculoskeletal health: Books/eBooks

Library Search

Use  Library Search on the My Ara app to find both print and eBooks on your topic.  Search by keyword, book title or author last name.

To search for alternative spellings, use * in place of missing letters - e.g. Johns*on, colo*r, design*

To search as a phrase rather than separate words use "  " around your phrase i.e. "climate change".


Click here for further tips on how to use the Library Search 


Other places to find eBooks include the following collections:

Some Recommended Textbooks in the High Use or Ebook Collections


Clinically Oriented Anatomy ebook

  • If you want to read the book offline using the Vital Source mobile or desktop app enter your Ara email address and set up a password.  We recommend you use your Ara network password.
  • If you only want to read the book online then click on Continue without an account. 
  • Tick I agree to the Terms of Use ...
  • Click Continue
  • Hover over the ebook and click Borrow to access the ebook


  • This ebook is restricted to 3 concurrent users so you may need to try again later if all copies are in use.  Viewing time is for 4 hours at a time.

Return the ebook

  • We ask that you return the ebook online when you finish to enable others to access it straight away as there are only 3 copies. 
  • To return your book click the Back to the Library arrow in the top left corner.Return Ebook
  • Then click Return 
  • To return your book in the Bookshelf app click the Menu icon ; Click Explore; Choose Return.

General Osteopathy

Anatomy and physiology