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Broadcasting: Home

A guide to resources for Ara courses in Media, Journalism, Radio, Television and Screen

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Top mobile photo editing apps

Reviews the best iOS and Android apps for editing your photos while on the road.  Put together by

Haere mai! Welcome!

This guide is to help you find information to support your studies. 
Use the tabs along the top to find what you need.
Help is available under the How Do I? tab.  

If you have any questions, or suggestions contact the library :)

Ask Live

AskLive is our instant messaging service. You can chat with the library by entering your question in the box below that says “Type here to chat …”

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Ask Live operates during our opening hours at Madras St campus, Christchurch. We are open 7 days.

Please note:

  • In the evenings and weekends, specialised support may not be available. If so, your question may be referred to an expert for action on the next working day.
  • In My Ara, under “StudySmart” you may also find information on your query.

Information and Research Skills

For help on how to find, evaluate and present information we recommend the Information skills subject guide This guide will ensure an easier pathway to academic success!  We also have a Research subject guide  for those of you taking your studies to the next level.   

infographic on information literacy

Image source: Open University