SiteSafe is a non-profit organization aiming to make the construction industry safer. This website links to the Site Specific Safety (SSSP) which is an agreement between businesses working on a specific site that determines how health and safety will be managed.
In February 2021, the Government confirmed that the RMA is to be replaced by three separate acts. These will be the Natural and Built Environments Act (NBA), the Strategic Planning Act (SPA), and the Climate Change Adaptation Act (CAA). These new laws are to be drafted and implemented within the current term of Government.
All building work in New Zealand must comply with the Building Code, even if it doesn’t require a building consent. This ensures buildings are safe, healthy and durable for everyone who may use them.
MBIE has funded a number of building standards for free download. This initiative fits within Standards New Zealand’s strategy of working with regulators and industry to get more standards pre-funded, as well as enabling better access to standards that make a difference to the wellbeing of New Zealanders.
IPENZ who represent engineers in NZ have created a new Code of Ethical Conduct which came into force on 1 July 2016. This Code sets out professional engineers’ duty to the public and to each other.