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Aotearoa/New Zealand: Articles/Databases

A selection of excellent Aotearoa/New Zealand resources to help you with your studies.

Finding Journal Articles

There are three main ways to find the articles you need:

  • Search Ara Library databases for articles on your subject. (Use this method to find your own articles for an assignment).
  • Look for a particular article from a recommended reading list. (Use this method if you have a reading list with the details of an article, e.g. author, article/journal title). 
  • Use Google Scholar to find articles in Ara databases. (Use this method to find open access scholarly articles as well as articles in some Ara databases). 
    • Using Google Scholar to find articles in Ara databases [PDF] [Video] 

Christchurch City Libraries Databases

Join Christchurch City Libraries and choose "Digital Only Membership" for instant database access. This will give you 3 months access. After that you will need to visit any Christchurch City library. Click here for more information.  

New Zealand Journals @ Ara Library

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search


Google Scholar is a good alternative place to look for academic articles. 


eTV records and archives TV programs for educational purposes. Many programs have great Kiwi content. All you need to do is log in, then search for what takes your fancy to watch online.

How do I use eTV?

Recommended databases

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